<% dim command dim level dim id id = request("id") if request("level") = 1 then session("level") = 1 end if if request("level") = 2 then session("level") = 0 end if level = session("level") command = request("command") if command = "logout" then session("level") = 0 level = 0 command = "" end if if (level < 1) and (command = "edit" or command = "delete" or command="add" or command = "Save") then command = "" end if if (command = "edit" or command = "delete" or command = "Save") and (id = 0) then command = "" end if if command = "Cancel" then command = "" end if dim dsn dim objConn dim jobObj dsn="DBQ=" & Server.Mappath("md.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open dsn Set jobObj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") if command = "delete" then jobObj.Open "select * from jobs where id = " & id, objConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic if not jobObj.EOF then jobObj.Delete end if jobObj.Close command = "" end if if command = "Save" then jobObj.Open "select * from jobs where id = " & id, objConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic if not jobObj.EOF then jobObj("title") = request("title") jobObj("datecreated") = request("datecreated") jobObj("desc") = request("desc") jobObj.Update end if jobObj.Close end if if command = "add" then jobObj.Open "select * from jobs", objConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic jobObj.AddNew jobObj("title") = "Title Goes Here..." jobObj("datecreated") = Now() jobObj("desc") = "Desc goes here..." jobObj.Update command = "" jobObj.Close end if jobObj.Open "select * from jobs order by datecreated desc", objConn %> Machine Device - Innovative solutions for all your equipment needs
<%if session("access") = 9 then%><%else%><%end if%> Machine Device

<% if level = 1 then %>Add New Job<% end if %>

<% if jobObj.EOF = false then %>
<% while not jobObj.EOF %> <% if level = 1 then %> <% end if %> <% if command = "edit" and int(jobObj("id")) = int(id) then %> <% else %> <% end if %> <% if command="edit" and int(jobObj("id"))= int(id) then %> <% end if %> <% jobObj.MoveNext wend %>
" name="<%=jobObj("id")%>">Title: <% if command = "edit" and int(jobObj("id")) = int(id) then %> " size="50"> <% else %> <%=jobObj("title")%> <% end if %>
" name="<%=jobObj("id")%>">Date: <% if command = "edit" and int(jobObj("id")) = int(id) then %> " size="20"> <% else %> <%=jobObj("datecreated")%> <% end if %>
Edit | Delete
Description: Description: <%=jobObj("desc")%>

<% else %>

No Employment opportunities yet, please check back again.
<% end if %>

Interested applicants please send resume to: jobs@machinedevice.com
  © 2004-2015 Machine Device Corporation  
<% set jobObj = nothing objConn.close set objConn = nothing %>