<% @LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" %> <% Option Explicit %><% dim buttonSize buttonSize = "width=""108"" height=""35""" dim dir dim from dim title dim fromtext dim logout dir = Request("dir") from = Request("from") title = Request("title") fromtext = Request("fromtext") logout = Request("logout") if logout = "1" then session("privileged") = 0 Response.Redirect(from) end if dim submit submit = request("submit") if submit = "Cancel" then Response.Redirect("gallerytop.asp?dir=" & dir & "&from=" & from & "&title=" & title & "&fromtext=" & fromtext) elseif submit = "Submit" then if lcase(request("password1")) = "mdmb" then session("privileged") = 2 Response.Redirect("gallerytop.asp?dir=" & dir & "&from=" & from & "&title=" & title & "&fromtext=" & fromtext) end if end if %> Machine Device
For admin access enter the password below and click the submit button